Tennis Elbow

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Tennis Ball

Wimbledon is around the corner so it is good time to think about tennis injuries! Tennis players can suffer from overuse sports medicine injuries, often involving some part of the arm.

One of the more common sports injuries affecting tennis players is “tennis elbow”, also known as lateral epicondylitis, in medical terminology. Tennis elbow is a generic term for pain in the lateral (outer or thumb side) part of the elbow. Anyone can develop “tennis elbow,” not just tennis players.


Symptoms can be as mild as an annoying ache after a game of tennis, to constant pain with any use of the arm, even with simple activities like brushing teeth. Symptoms do not necessarily correlate with the severity of tendon damage.


The tendon damage can vary so it is best to be seen by a sports medicine physician early on for a diagnosis and treatment plan with the goal of getting back into the game as soon as possible. Ultrasound is a great diagnostic tool for evaluating the tendon and then determining the best course of action.

Treatment decisions can be made based on symptoms, examination, diagnostic findings, and patient goals. Two treatment options that may have longer lasting benefits compared to cortisone injections include: platelet-rich-plasma and Tenex percutaneous tenotomy. Treatment plans will vary depending on each individual patient.

Enjoy your tennis!